User Testing | UI Design | Prototype
This mobile app that allows local and international residents in Vancouver to host and join small online and offline activities in their neighborhoods and create meaningful connections with similar people.

Project Details
Role: Senior UX/UI Designer
Client: Julian Chae
Team: Julian Chae (Project Manager), Jody Poh (Finance) and Jihoon Jeong (Full-Stack Developer)
Duration: 1.5 Months
Software: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Miro
Design a high fidelity prototype of the app with the following challenges:
- No specific and measurable milestones had been established.
- The team only had a PDF file with low fidelity mockups in JPEGs.
- The product had no name
- Estimated timelines and milestones for the project and members.
- Analyze competitors’ product features, user flow and visual styles.
- Restructure the information architecture of the existing mockups and user flow including only the MVP features.
- Design medium fidelity prototype ready for testing.
- Conduct online user tests with the prototype.
- Implement the changes into a high fidelity prototype.
Product Concept
The team members were international residents living in Vancouver. Their research concluded that it wasn’t easy to make friends or connect with people of similar interests in their area. So the project’s main objective was to solve this issue.
Market Research
Due to an NDA, all the marketing and product research that was conducted before I joined the project, cannot be shared publicly.
Low Fidelity wireframes
I was provided with low fidelity wireframes that included all the concept that the team wanted represented in the high fidelity prototype.
However, they only had the PDF version of them and the file is uneditable and scaled. However it conveyed the whole idea and included elements that needed to be reconsidered. I had some ideas of what to remove and what to add, but we needed to test with real users as well.
The mockups below represent the stage of design work the team had before I joined the project.
Information Architecture
Content Outline
Given the time constraints, I created the following content outline to better discuss with the team which features were going to be part of the MVP.
- Splash Screen Set
- Intro Screen
- Quick Guide (Description)
- Sign In / Log In
- Location
- Interests
- Subscription (B2B)
- Subscription
- Payment Methods
- Dashboard (Landing B2B Promotion)
- Active Chats
- Activities Near Me {Location} (With edit for location)
- Recommended for You
- Because you like to {Activity}
- Settings
- My Profile
- Notifications
- About Us (About Act?)
- Coupon
- Help & Support
- Logout
- ACT Screen
- Coupon Library
- Activity Library
- Live Chat
- Group
- 1:1
- My Chats
- The Extension (Categories)
- Creating Activity
- My Profile
- Other User’s Profile
Competitors’ Analysis
User Flow upon registration
- Enable Location
- “Find what’s happening near you”
- Your location helps us improve your experience with better recommendations.
- [Enable Location] [Not Now]
- Choose Location
- Searching for groups near you…
- Results – Confirm location.
- Categories
- Interests
- Groups
- Dashboard
Inspiration – Layout:
- Your Groups
- Name
- Description
- Location
- Interests
- Start Group
- Your Calendar
- All
- Going
- Saved
- Past
- Log In
- Phone, Email, Facebook, Google, Apple.
- Community Commitment Statement
- Log In
- First Name
- Last Name
- Birthday
- Gender
- City
- Quick Guide
- Enable Location
- Find Friends
- Log In
- Choose a location
- Pick a city
- Use my current location
- Search
- I want to go out
- Anytime
- Today
- Tomorrow
- This weekend
- In the next month
- In
- Online Events
- Browse Locations
- And I am in the mood for
- Music
- Festival
- Party
- Arts & Entertainment
- Business
- Tech
- Health & Wellness
- Cultural
- Sports
- Choose a location
- Family Friendly
- Parenting
- Comedy
- Fashion
- Seasonal
- Science
- [Find things to do]
- Share agenda
- Greeting session
- To do list (ie: bring the soccer ball, bring the uniforms..)
- Assign a person (Groups)
- Chat room – rather than comments/notifications
- Private mode – for chat
- Main feature to create is a chat room
- Create event -invite only (once I have a friend base)
- Friend X is nearby, and he/she also likes {interest}, Start a conversation.
Medium Fidelity Mockups
Using the Low Fidelity Wireframes that I was provided with, and after discussing with the team the priority of the features for the MVP, I created the following wireframes in Adobe XD. This prototype was implemented for the online user testing that some volunteers kindly helped us out with.
Online User Testing
For the user tests, I came up with this script based on the guidelines established by Steve Krug on Usability, for more info visit his website. We gathered voluteers and ask them to test our medium fidelity protoype. Each member of the team interviewed three people from different backgrounds that currently reside in Vancouver. Below, I have included the script and the user tests that I conducted.
Usability Test Script
Hi {User Name}, thank you for taking the time to participate in this usability test of our mobile app. Before we begin, I’m going to give you a brief overview of the test and how it will work.
First, let me introduce you to the concept of our app. “Act” is a mobile app that allows local and international residents to host and join small online and offline activities in their neighbourhood and to create meaningful connections.
Our mobile app seeks to solve the disconnect that Canadians feel with their community and for internationals who feel lonely in a foreign country. These problems are further exacerbated by Covid19. During COVID-19, it has become more difficult to connect with people and find activities to do.
As we are developing this product, we need to test this medium fidelity prototype to make sure that the assumptions that we are making of the user flow are consistent. We need your help to identify any areas of improvement in the current flow of the prototype. Please note that the current name, colour, and icons on this prototype are in progress and this is not a final product.
For this usability test, it is really important to know that we are only testing this app prototype and not you. You can’t do or say anything wrong. Please feel free to let me know at any time if there is something you like, dislike, if you’re confused, or you expected something different. I promise you it won’t hurt my feelings. I encourage you to give as much feedback as possible.
Please “think aloud” as much as possible. By that, I mean that I would like you to speak your thoughts as often as you can. For example, you may be looking at a screen, suddenly see something you didn’t see before and want to click on it. In that case, saying something like “this caught my eye so I’m going to see what it is” would be very useful.
If at any point you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
The prototype that you will test today is for an app where you can create and participate in activities happening near you. I will ask you to do a task and you will proceed to use the prototype to complete the task.
Do you have any questions so far?
Ok, Let’s get started.
Your tasks are:
User tasks:
- Sign up and select the following interests: “Fitness, Outdoors, Photography and Sports”. Create a new activity to go on a hike to St. Mark’s Summit.
- Find an activity to go Snowboarding and start a chat with the participants.
- Find a host with a 5 star review and view his/her profile.
- Find your invites and join the chat of your invite.
Usability Test Script
User One
Fernando (Mexican, 31 – QA Lead)
User Tasks
- Sign up and select the following interests: “Fitness, Outdoors, Photography and Sports”. Create a new activity to go on a hike to St. Mark’s Summit.
- Find an activity to go Snowboarding and start a chat with the participants.
- Find a host with a 5 star review and view his/her profile.
- Find your invites and join the chat of your invite.
User Test Results
Task | Completed |
User understood the interface | Yes |
User was able to navigate through the interface without being confused | Yes |
Where did the user get stuck? | Choosing the interests when creating an activity |
User was able to complete the task efficiently. | Yes |
User was able to complete the task without help from the team. | Sometimes |
User was able to complete the task with only feedback from the prototype | Yes |
Watch the video for this paper prototype test here.
User Two
Rachna (Canadian, 30 – Product Designer)
User Tasks
- Sign up and select the following interests: “Fitness, Outdoors, Photography and Sports”. Create a new activity to go on a hike to St. Mark’s Summit.
- Find an activity to go Snowboarding and start a chat with the participants.
- Find a host with a 5 star review and view his/her profile.
- Find your invites and join the chat of your invite.
After further discussion with the team, we agreed to include these additional questions:
Do you like the “read receipt” feature on a chat?
Do you like to know when the users are last online?
Would you like the invites to be addressed more personally?
“Please join me in…”
“You have been invited to …”
User Test Results
Task |
Completed |
User understood the interface |
Yes |
User was able to navigate through the interface without being confused |
Yes |
Where did the user get stuck? |
N/A |
User was able to complete the task efficiently. |
Yes |
User was able to complete the task without help from the team. |
Yes |
User was able to complete the task with only feedback from the prototype |
Yes |
Additional Feedback from the User
In the flow of “Creating an Activity”, Rachna had a hard time understanding the screen with the upload image icon.
Watch the video for this paper prototype test here.
User Three
Asami (Japanese, 25 – Developer)
User Tasks
- Sign up and select the following interests: “Fitness, Outdoors, Photography and Sports”. Create a new activity to go on a hike to St. Mark’s Summit.
- Find an activity to go Snowboarding and start a chat with the participants.
- Find a host with a 5 star review and view his/her profile.
- Find your invites and join the chat of your invite.
After further discussion with the team, we agreed to include these additional questions:
Do you like the “read receipt” feature on a chat?
Do you like to know when the users are last online?
Would you like the invites to be addressed more personally?
“Please join me in…”
“You have been invited to …”
User Test Results
Task |
Completed |
User understood the interface |
Yes |
User was able to navigate through the interface without being confused |
Yes |
Where did the user get stuck? |
The fact that the prototype had the data already filled up. |
User was able to complete the task efficiently. |
Yes |
User was able to complete the task without help from the team. |
Yes |
User was able to complete the task with only feedback from the prototype |
Yes |
Additional Feedback from the User
When creating an activity, make sure that in the next prototype,the selection of location is selected on the first click.
Asami had a hard time finding the “Next” button in the process of “Creating an Activity”. She prefers it to be right below the content of each field.
She felt that there were more screens than expected when Creating an Activity. She felt that the process “was too much”.
Once she created an activity, she would like to have a notification or an email that her activity has been created.
She said “it is obvious that the chats are trending” so that means it is worth checking it out.
It was not obvious for Asami to find the Hosts – Add “hosted by”
She was expecting to see in the main menu the icon for “hosts”. However she wouldn’t be interested in finding hosts to chat before going on an activity. She doesn’t need to chat with the host but she wants to see his/her profile first.
Read receipt – She would like to be able to customise it.
Last Online – She doesn’t care for it, but if it is displayed she would like to keep hers private.
Watch the video for this paper prototype test here.
Naming the product
The original name of the app was ACT.
It was based on the book of Acts in the bible and it represented the verb “to act” as a way to convey that making meaningful connections with people requires action.
The team was not very convinced with the name of the app. Since I joined this project during the pandemic, and I never actually met up in person with the team, I organized a meeting where we were using Miro to brainstorm and get some ideas for the name of the product, where we did some ideation exercise using sticky notes.
This exercise took a few sessions, and the team all voted for “Actibeety” after brainstorming using the eight different types of brand names.

“Actibeety” comes from the idea of combining the word “Bee” and “Activity”. Bees are a social animals that live in community. The main purpose of the app is to organize activities to meet people in the community.
Once the team agreed on the name “Actibeety”, I proceeded to design different iterations for the logo design.
This part of the project took a long time because there was no consensus on which logo the team preferred unanimously. So we went through a series of rounds that included different iterations based on the feedback I got.
The main features that the team ended up looking for where, minimalistic, with meaning and with the option of having the wordmark and the mark be standalones.
We had another brainstorming session through Miro board, where I asked the team members to share with me logos that they found inspiring or that they really liked and I asked them to share with me the reasons behind their choice. That way I could figure out their preferences and it would be easier for me to design something that could appeal the target audience and represent the team and the product.
I also request them to share with me screenshots of user interface screens that they have personally used or found on inspirational sites such as Dribbble or Behance. That helped me out to figure out the style and the colour palette that they were looking for in the user interface of the next stage of the product design.

Round Two
Round Three
Final Round

Style Guide
Once the team agreed on a logo design, I proceeded to design the style guide. It included the character styles, buttons, colour palette and labels. I created it in Adobe XD so that the developer could use the CSS snippets he needed.

High Fidelity Prototype
Once the style guide was approved. The next step was to implement the changes and improvements that we discovered with the user testing and implement the branding, approved colour palette, illustrations, icons, etc.
However, the project was concluded early and the following screens include the unfinished progress I made. During my spare time I keep working on it, to be able to show complete work.
Please note that the flow of this prototype is not 100% functional yet. Some screens have the right flow, however you can navigate through them all with the keyboard arrows.